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Yoga at CSAC

  • 732 Charlotte Street Fredericton, NB (map)

Join yoga instructor Anuja Chaini for a new Wednesday evening yoga class at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre. Anuja brings a wealth of experience matched by 250 hours of training in Hatha Yoga. This class is designed for students of all ages from first time yogis to intermediate learners with a focus on yoga postures, pranayama/breathing exercise and relaxation techniques, all in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. 

This eight week program will run Wednesdays from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. March 5, 12, 19, April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. Note: There is no class on March 26. 

Registration: $140 

A drop-in option is also available at $20 per class. Drop-in students must register for each class a week in advance to secure a spot.

Earlier Event: March 12
Baby Crafters with Tiziana Zevallos